Sunday, December 26, 2010

There Goes My Life - Chapter 2 Teaser

Okay, so since Twilighted is taking approx 6 weeks to validate, I decided to just go ahead and post on ff.  I'll post the full chapter either Monday or Tuesday.

Here is Chapter 2 teaser:

"What part of 'come over by yourself so we can talk' did you not understand?" Carlisle asked over my shoulder.
"Sorry, she insisted."
"For goodness sake, Edward, grow a pair," I said.
"Pretty strong words for a knocked up, unwed teenage mother," Tanya said with a smirk on her face.
My anger took over, and I tore open the screen door. I wanted to smack her, but Carlisle pulled me back in the house. “Calm down, Bella. It'll be okay.”
"Baby, how long is this going to take? We're supposed to meet up with Em and Rose for a movie," Tanya whined.
"If you can't take this seriously Edward, then go," I said.
"Bella," Carlisle said.
"No, really! If he cared even one ounce, he would have come alone. But, oh no! He had to bring her."

Monday, December 13, 2010

There Goes My Life - chap 1 - teaser

SO! I've placed chapter 1 of There Goes My Life (formerly known as Alone) into the queue over on I'm so excited you guys! I think you'll really love the new changes and additions I've made.

So here's your teaser:

Bella took a deep breath, looked at me, then Alice, then Edward. "I'm pregnant."

No one said anything for a few minutes. I could hear Bella crying again behind me. Edward looked bored and was staring out the window. I felt like walking over to him and punching him for his lack of emotion, but figured that wouldn't get us anywhere.
"You're...what?” Carlisle asked. His hands were gripping the back of the chair that Esme was sitting in.
"Are you sure?" Esme calmly asked.
"She's already been to the doctor," Alice said.
"Edward, what do you have to say for yourself?" Carlisle asked.
Everyone was quiet as we waited for Edward to say something. Five minutes passed and he still hadn't said anything. Instead he turned his gaze from the window to the floor.
"He said he didn't...want me," Bella cried. "He said I just ruined his life."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Anyone interested in being a Pre-Reader for There Goes My Life (formerly Alone) ?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Video of the Day & Update on Alone

Kenny Chesney - There Goes My Life.

If you've been following me on Twitter (@sweetishbubble) then you know I've changed the title of my fic "Alone." It's becaues of this video. I'm about 3 chapters into the re-write and will be sending it through Project Team Beta shortly. Once I hit 5 chapters, I will start posting :)